
Mystery Blogger Award!


Diamond nominated me for the Mystery Blogger Award! Thanks so much!



1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.

2. List the rules.

3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well. ( )

5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.

6. You have to nominate 10-20 people.

7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.

8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).

9. Share a link to your best post(s).

Three Things About Me:

  1. After I graduate college at 18 I want to travel for six-ish months before I get going on other things.
  2. My record for books in a day is four. (I’m going to beat that this month!)
  3. I love scrapbooking!

Diamond’s Questions:

1.(for fun) Have you ever eaten a drink packet? (my friends have at my birthday party;))

Yes, I have! I think it was also at a birthday party.

2. Which of your blog posts took the most time?

Oh, that’s hard. Some of my deeper spiritual ones take time for the Scripture references and making sure I covered everything I want to cover.

3. What song do you think of whenever you think of fall?

That’s hard! I don’t think I have a particular song for a season, besides winter.

4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I’m almost 15 so I will be almost 25…probably writing! I will have books published, I would have seen lots of the world, (hopefully) married.

5. How many followers do you feel like is a lot?

What is with you and hard questions? 😛 *teasing* Um…I think a lot is probably around 500. 

Links to my Best Posts:

I have a lot of favorites, and there are a lot of fan-favorites. But this one, this one, and this one are up there!

Questions for my Nominees:

  1. (Fun Question) Have you ever made the winning strike on a pinata?
  2. What’s your favorite weather?
  3. Backpack or purse?
  4. How do you pursue things? (Goal, progress, encouragement from others, etc.)
  5. If you could live in any country, where would you live?

My Nominees:










Audrey Kate

And we’re done! Thanks again, Diamond!

Note: I am in Cassia’s competition. Later today, (soon), I will be posting the picture for prompt one! This week I will be posting a picture every day, along with my BVW and Friday post. Just to let you know, you may be getting lots of emails and stuff! 😉


By Ariana Evans

I'm a psychology geek, a reader, a writer, photography, and a tutor. I love all these things and will continue to "live" in these areas.

45 replies on “Mystery Blogger Award!”

Ariana, I seen you asked if you could contact me on my blog. At this moment, for safety reasons, I am not allowed to email people I don’t know in person (I hope you understand), but you can comment if you have a question and I won’t publish it. I can try to work out any questions that away if you would like. If so, just add ‘please don’t publish at the end’. Again, I hope you understand.

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You could, but I have no way to pay you. 😊 I do plan on writing more books, and maybe when I’m a bit older, you could review those.

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Yes, you can, and I’ll also post the review on my blog. That away, I can put the review as my featured post. Is there any certain way you’d like me to advertise you business? And how can I get the review?

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Sounds amazing! ❤
You can post the review, (great advertising!), and then you can put my business on your sidebar with a link to the ol' business saying I reviewed your book.
You can email me through my contact page (and you don't have to share your email, just your name), and give a link to the PDF. And then I can read it and do a review.

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Okay! And do you think you could copy and paste the review into my comment form? I know it’ll probably be long, so you might need to put it in sections, and then I can copy and paste it on my blog. Hope that’ll work!

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