
Being an Entrepreneur: (Part 6)

Ariana's Flying LIfe

Hello, all! On my last Being An Entrepreneur parts I asked if anyone had any questions because I had run out of ideas on what to see on the topic. Ara gave me two more wonderful ideas for the series. So, here we go!


To see previous parts of this series, click these links:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Two things on part five: I realize I called it part six, that was a mistake. And it doesn’t have much information because I was just asking if anyone had any ideas. Parts 1-4 is the meat material. 😀


Now I will talk about pricing and how to make your costs good, not too cheap, not too high. 😉

So, costs are important! Just about everyone will tell you that if a very good piece of machinery, craft, or technological device is over-priced they will likely look for a place to buy it cheaper, I mean, who wants to spend an extra 100$ while you can do two more miles to a way cheaper place? No. One. I repeat, No. One. So, cost is important, correct? Bingo! 😛 There are some different ‘elements’ to how high to price something.

How much time did you put into it?

How much did you have to pay for the supplies?

Example: I can make business cards at Miss Design, another page on my blog, but it costs me to make them on the site I do, plus I have to ship them to you. I make everything cheap so I can get more customers and help you with what you’re trying to accomplish. But, you never want to loose money, you want to earn it; so, I can’t take 25$ to make perfect business cards tailored to your needs and then make you pay 15$ for them, I just lost 10$ and, not only did I loose 10$, I didn’t earn anything, which was the whole point. 

Time is also important. If you put five minutes into something vs. putting three hours into something the cost may vary because it took your time/energy to get it done, something that is very valuable. If I make a blog at Miss Design vs. making a blog button, I am going to make you pay more for the blog because it took more time than a blog button, because the button is a single thing, whereas the blog itself has many different components, some easy to do, and some not-so-easy to do. 

Super Tip Time: If you’re going to price something before you do, look up other people’s prices. For example, if you sell pictures frames made of cedar wood, look up different picture frames made up of cedar/oak/pine wood, (it doesn’t have to be your exact thing), just something like it. 😉 Try and make it a little cheaper if you can, you’ll get more customers because a lot of people like to save money, even if it just three dollars or so.

Pricing depends on you. But I think these tips will help you.

Motivation Is Key. A lot of people don’t have it…so, how do you get it? Scroll to find out. (If you have the motivation to). 😂

Finding motivation is sometimes hard. You can build a website, figure out what you want to do, but sometimes doing it is just hard, and other times you don’t even make the website itself. I am a very motivated person just naturally; I got this motivation type of attitude from my Mother. But, people who aren’t motivated can make themselves motivated, how?

  • Ask why you want money
  • What can you share with the world?
  • Do you have a talent that is beneficial/can make you money/can be an awesome hobby?

Motivation isn’t just about entrepreneurship, but it’s also about life. Hence, number three saying “awesome hobby,” it doesn’t just have to be about money, and it shouldn’t be. 

#1 Why do you want money?

Are you saving up for something? I like to buy my own stuff, and I do frequently, such as craft supplies, my computer (this new one, the old one was bought for me), and my watch. I don’t buy things because my parents won’t get me stuff, in fact, my Mom loves buying craft supplies and she makes sure my needs are met, but I love to “adult” in the way I buy my own things because I can! 😎👌 I’m saving up for more craft supplies and a leather jacket right now, (you should see my “Style” board on Pinterest, I love all those clothes…hee), and you can save for things too. You can also give, I love to give and wish I could do it more, so I want to earn money so I can, (besides the things I listed before I want to save for), and that could be your reason, too!

#2 What can you share with the world?

It’s so awesome to be known for something, (example: tech design), and if you have a gift it would be wonderful if you could share it. In my family, I am the techy person, and I’m totally cool with that. 😏 I am also the baker of the family, and my family thinks my photography is good. 😁 *Smiles* Now, I am using the gifts God gave me for my small business, (Miss Design)! So, what do you want to share with the world?


If you want to start a small business: 

  1. Make a list of things you’re good at/love to do
  2. Create a design of your website/business cards in your mind
  3. Start working on your stock 
  4. Take my tips on pricing and price! 
  5. Get started! (If you ever need anything my advice is free)

Thank you so much for reading! 😀 I hope this was super helpful. emoji©_hearts-013-1.jpg


Do you have any things you want me to talk about?



By Ariana Evans

I'm a psychology geek, a reader, a writer, photography, and a tutor. I love all these things and will continue to "live" in these areas.

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