
Should Teens/Young Adults/Children Think About Money? ~Discussion!

I think just about everyone that reads my blog can fit into one of these categories. That is why I want to talk to you about this idea, I don’t just want to say my part, but I want you to say something as well! The thing about money is you can get so wrapped into it and it can be your false god, but it is important if you want to buy anything, you will need money in life. 

Money can be evil, money can be good. The question is…

At what age should we know about money?

When I was nine-years-old I still did not know about money a lot, I knew what it is, and I had spent money by that time in my life, and I had earned money too, whether it be helping my grandmother weed her garden beds or another task, and I had gotten birthday money too, so I had it in hand, but I did not realize how much a house cost, to me $100 was a lot of money, but have y’all looked at the market today? Houses are crazy high, and to a nine-year-old, it was practically impossible for a person to have 3K. Right? No, I realized as I got older that a lot of people had that money to spend on a house, (I mean, you need a house), but what about that toy on the shelf? How much did $12 mean? What did $3 mean compared to our spending account? I didn’t know. Honestly, I still don’t know exactly, but I don’t think we should know how much money our parents have. 

So, what age? I don’t know, I am not really sure. Let me give you an example of my life:

Like I said, I did not know much about money, but I did know that money could be a worry in family, friends, and us. Whether it be ‘that is too much, honey,’ (and that could be because it was an outrageous price), or was it because we did not have money? That was a question, I didn’t know how much something should cost, and my Mom could average how much it should cost and how much it did cost. I thought she was amazing when she did that, along with just about everything, but, my point is: I could never do that, (still can’t usually), because I didn’t know about money!

What do I mean by ‘know’?

“KNOW” is different from “know.” (confused)?

Well, know is know it is a thing and it is substantial and you need it.

KNOW is how much this should cost and how much that house costs because you looked at the price of the house and you understood that number. 

You can KNOW without KNOWING everything I said, but the point is that knowing and KNOWING are different. 

I have heard people say kids should know about money and other things and be practical because they need to live in the real world, so teach them young.

I have (also) heard people say they need to stay children for a little while and they grow up and learn about those types of things later. 

Now, what I am about to say a LOT of people disagree with me on…

But, as children, we are little adults, we are being trained to be an adult and learning from our parents and other adults in our life. 

Now, I am not saying we can’t play outside and we can’t read children’s books when we are young and we can’t be silly and crazy and wear business suits out instead of other nice clothes because that is what Dad does, (you should wear nice things out, what I am saying is that you don’t have to be dressed in a business suit, you can dress in other nice ways). 

I am just saying that there is a time to learn too. 🙂 

So, what about money? What about learning about it? 

What do you think? 

I need feedback, I want to know what y’all think!!! ❤ ❤


So, what do you think about this?

3-2-1 Blast Off.png

By Ariana Evans

I'm a psychology geek, a reader, a writer, photography, and a tutor. I love all these things and will continue to "live" in these areas.

6 replies on “Should Teens/Young Adults/Children Think About Money? ~Discussion!”

That’s a really good point Ariana! To be honest, I guess, oh, it’s so hard! I think that maybe if (insert any age here) wants to learn about it, the parents could sit them down and have an appropriate discussion. Otherwise, just not worry about it AS LONG AS they have a very general and basic understanding, which, let’s be real here, most do. By 15-16 though, maybe then, no matter their knowledge or understanding, the parents let them know basic money skills and spend-save, etc. this, however, is solely my opinion! What do you think? Great thought-inducing post Ari! Rhi xxx

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Thank you very much! Also, thanks for commenting! ❤️
I think by the time you are 13-14 you should know about money, how to make a check, etc. I am 13 and I have a debit card, of course, that is not for everyone. My parents can still access it with no problem, but I do have hay money and card with me. I think you have great points. 😄


This is hard! When I was little, I had three jars labeled : “for God, “for saving”, and ” for spending”. My parents have always emphasized stuff on saving my money and being a good steward of it. Of course when I was little I just put you know… coins in each jar. I now save my own money for college, and donate my own money to missionaries, and spend my own money on pointe shoes. I think a lot of people want their kids to just grow up. I think that maybe you could slowly learn about money. When I was little although I had a “budget”, it kind of set me up for managing my money later on. Now, I understand more of how the world works and money and stuff like that.

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Yes, I loved saving and spending and giving! 🙂 I have been saving money for college since I was…about 5, haha! Mom said ‘never touch your college fund’ so I would give 1/2 to my college fund when I got money and 1/2 for other thing, or something like that. That is so great, thanks for sharing!


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