
Happy Sixth (WHAT) Birthday, A Barefoot Gal! (ft. Favorite Posts, Fond Memories, and a Rather Yellow Giveaway)

Awesome giveaway! You should check it out. It ends March 10th! Don’t wait. 🙂

A Barefoot Gal

It’s so satisfying, somehow, to make lengthy titles.

Anyway hi! How are you today?

Get ready, because today’s post is a very exciting one! 🙂 My blog is SIX years old as of Thursday, the 20th! My goodness that seems old.

But it also does seem like I’ve been blogging for a while (it’s getting closeish to half of my life!), and it has been so much fun! Just some quick stats for those of you who enjoy them… This is kind of an odd tradition, now that I think about it, but who am I to break it? XD

Followers: 1,722

Posts: 590. (Good night! Oof remember when I used to post every day? Yeah sorry about that. The quality was considerably lacking in several of those posts.)

Views: 124,000+

Visitors: 29,000+

Total words written: 211,437 (so basically if I compiled all my posts into a book it’d…

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By Ariana Evans

I'm a psychology geek, a reader, a writer, photography, and a tutor. I love all these things and will continue to "live" in these areas.

15 replies on “Happy Sixth (WHAT) Birthday, A Barefoot Gal! (ft. Favorite Posts, Fond Memories, and a Rather Yellow Giveaway)”

Cool! It looks so cool! I would love to enter, but mom doesn’t want me giving out my address. 😛

I miss you.

Liked by 2 people

Do you have to be a follower of her blog in order to enter the giveaway??? I don’t know her. By the way I can’t use my email address anymore. It won’t work. I have to use a made up one or my mom’s.

Liked by 1 person

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