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5 Things You Can Change in 2020

Throughout 2019, I changed quite a bit. These changes were both good and for my detriment. Today I have five things you can change in 2020. January, in any year, is the month of change. It’s the month of resolutions. However, most of these resolutions don’t last in the other months. I want to change that.

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make your goals more doable

Many people set goals for the new year only to fail. It’s kind of sad when you think about all the goals a person has that get pushed to another day. The famous phrase it, “I’ll start next Monday.” or “I’ll get over it soon.” 760ee51596865ad1a53fe1471e6bb808

Don’t just say “I want to lose weight.” Say, maybe something like, “I want to lose 20 pounds in three months by eating more vegetables, drinking more water, so I can go on that hike in four months with my two best friends. And I’m going to start today.”

drink more water

Water is a life-source for us normal humans. We eat it through eating regular food, we drink it directly, and we drink it through other types of drinks that include water. However, we need to seriously drink more water directly. Water improves daily function, brainpower, it energizes us, helps us exercise, and many more things.

stop waiting for the approval of others

This is a big one for me, personally. Through some certain relationships, I’ve had I have low self-confidence, thus causing me to really want the approval of others. You can’t wait for that. Sometimes, people aren’t going to give you their approval, and that’s life. It’s the way things are. We can’t change every one or change ourselves for every person. Confidence is very important in today’s culture. But not very popular.

take breaks from addictions

Christians go crazy or get nervous when “addictions” are talked about. If you have a serious addiction, I would obviously recommend help as well. However, I’m mostly talking about social media and TV, etc. We all have our own type of addictions or types of idols. This year, 2020, is time to demolish them.

spend more time outside

I could go into the health part of going outside more and getting Vitamin D. But, since this isn’t a health blog and the major topic isn’t health, I won’t bother you with that too much. I would say spending time outside makes you happy. Why? Well, because the world is beautiful. And if it is bright and sunny, just about everyone loves the feel of the sun on their skin. The warm glow makes you feel good.


By Ariana Evans

I'm a psychology geek, a reader, a writer, photography, and a tutor. I love all these things and will continue to "live" in these areas.

16 replies on “5 Things You Can Change in 2020”

You have matured a lot!! I remember when we first started following each other’s blogs we had a day or 2 discussion about nothing lol! I don’t think we’re as close as we once were but you’re becoming an awesome person!

And I definitely support getting outside!

Liked by 2 people

These are great tips!
The one that hits me the most is wanting to please other people. I’ve been there and tried that. Other people have their own problems, and sometimes they bring us down as a way to build themselves up. God doesn’t want us to fall for that. Great job learning that already!

Liked by 2 people

Drinking more water, is something I should start working on already. I want to get used to drinking water and eating healthy food.
Great post xx

Liked by 1 person

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